Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blogging Tips for Beginners

Blog Tips for BeginnersWelcome to my Blogging Tips for Beginners Guide.

On the page below you’ll find links to a series of blog tips that I’ve written with blogging for beginners (and ‘Pre’ Bloggers) in mind. It unpacks the basics of blogging and a lot of the decisions and strategies that you’ll want to consider when setting up and starting a blog.

My Ultimate Guide to Blogging for Beginners

Since developing this series I’ve produced a book specifically for beginner bloggers. You can learn more about it on our ProBlogger the Book page. The book is filled with up to date blogging tips for beginners - you can get it on Amazon here.

3 More Excellent Resources on Blogging for Beginners

Also - if you are looking for some more personalized help in starting and running a blog I highly recommend that you check out these resources by a blogger that I respect - Yaro Starak:

from problogger

Sunday, January 25, 2009 Publisher Success Story

I love publisher success stories. I think it’s part of the core of what I love about the business aspects of the web, and why I ended up building advertising tools that help them earn more money doing what they love.

The New York Times recently published an article about Arnold Kim who runs, one of the most successful blogs on the web.

It’s not really a touching rags to riches story as Kim was already earning a six-figure income as a doctor, but it is a great example how identifying a need, then building a relatively simple site, and working really hard to create great content over the years can put you in a great place.

The site placed MacRumors No. 2 on a list of the “25 most valuable blogs,” right behind Gawker Media and ahead of The Huffington Post,, and TechCrunch. Two of the other tech-oriented blogs on its list, Ars Technica and PaidContent, were sold earlier this year, reportedly for sums in excess of $25 million.

The cynics out there will say “Sure, but all the good topics already have established sites today so it’s too hard to compete.” While it’s true it’d be hard to crack the rumor market for Apple right now, it’s far from true in general. There are new areas of interest all the time that lend themselves to opportunities. Techcrunch is one of the most successful sites out there, and it was started a couple of years ago when Web 2.0 caught fire.

Just now the market is somewhat open for someone to do a great job covering the iPhone App world in great detail and becoming THE resource. An established site like has an advantage of already having a foothold in this area, but they also suffer from not being able to focus on the topic exclusively.

It’s not that hard to think up topics if you open your mind, the harder part is putting in the effort for years creating content and marketing your site to achieve the success. It’s exciting to know though that the door is still wide open, and I think we’ll be reading stories like this for years to come.

AdSense + Chitika | Premium Contest: Win a Google Android G1 phone, Blackberry Storm, or iPhone

We’re giving away 1 of this year’s hottest phones, along with $400 cash in this Adsense+Chitika | Premium placement contest!

Since one of the best ways to earn the most revenue is by using AdSense and Chitika | Premium together on the same page, we thought we would hold a contest to see who has the best AdSense + Chitika | Premium setup.

What do you mean by AdSense + Chitika | Premium setup?
We mean anywhere on your site where you are running AdSense and Chitika | Premium on the same page. For example - look at this screenshot:

What are the Prizes?
There are 3 prizes:
GRAND PRIZE - Winner will receive their choice of:

  • Google/T-Mobile G1 Android phone
  • Blackberry Storm
  • Apple iPhone 3G 8Gb

RUNNERS UP - 2 runners up will receive $200 each

How do I enter?
You can submit your entries by posting a link to your site in the comments below, or send an email to “specialprojects [at] chitika [dot] com” with the subject “AdSense + Chitika contest”.

All entries must be received by 11:59 pm US EDT on Sunday, Dec. 21. We look forward to seeing what you all come up with!!!

If you don’t have Chitika | Premium code yet, you can grab it here. Also - if you are unfamiliar with Chitika | Premium, you can learn how it works here.

Spread the word about this contest and earn revenue!
You can link to this page with your Chitika referral ID and earn referral revenue from people who sign up. Just use the link below, and substitute “username” with your Chitika username: