Thursday, July 31, 2008

join widgetbucks

You're in the publishing business, not the advertising business, so let us help you. Widgetbucks do the heavy lifting by creating contextual ad widgets that your visitors will actually click on and find engaging. You reap the rewards of PPC ad widgets that earn better than $2 CPM. We're seeing $3-$6 CPM on our widgets, about three times that of traditional ad networks.

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

When you sign-up with WidgetBucks, you'll automatically receive a $25 bonus into your account to get the ball rolling. This means you are half way to your first payout with WidgetBucks.
With WidgetBucks, you can start earning more money today — and keep your focus on publishing.
Higher eCPMs Hands down, WidgetBucks exceeds traditional publisher's CPM targets of $1-$2
Content vs. ads WidgetBucks delivers engaging, contextual, rich-media widgets that complement your site content
Easy deployment Placing customized code on your site takes just minutes, and only MerchSense auto-optimizes your widget rotation based on performance tracking