There are twelve months, 52 weeks, and approximately 365 days in any given year. When is the best time to start an eBook publishing venture? Some people are convinced that the best time to start a business is in January. The reason why feel this way is because they have typically created a set of new year resolutions that include getting more money and freedom into their lives. Let's face it, one of the easiest ways to get more money and freedom is to start a business. You're in control of your own future, and can create a schedule that best suits your own needs. So a lot of people assume it's January.
Others think that the best time to start and launch an eBook publishing venture is in September. The rationale behind this is because children typically are going back to school. That often results in a stay at home parent having a lot more free time in which to focus on starting and growing a business. It makes sense at some level because with the kids back at school, there are less distractions.
Now here's the truth. The best time to start and launch an eBook publishing venture is today. Why? Because the opportunity for you to make a lot of money in this business is constant. We're not talking about a cyclical business such as tax preparation, or selling ice cream in a climate that has all four seasons. The information publishing business is constant. Sure, some individual topics will be more relevant during certain times of the year, but as an eBook publisher you can have an entire library of titles to market to people all the time.
So the next time you hear that little voice in the back of your head telling you to wait and not launch an eBook publishing business, ignore it. The time to get started is right now. There is opportunity everywhere.
For more FREE information about how to make money on the Internet with your own home based eBook publishing venture, visit the eBook Secrets website by clicking on this link.
You'll discover a fantastic resource that I've put together for you that will help you launch and grow a profitable home based eBook business WITHOUT having to spend a lot of money on startup expenses. You can literally get started today. So go ahead and visit my eBook Secrets website today.
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